Poem – नटराज Nataraja

Originally written on:27th of Feb, 2014

I wrote this poem on the ocassion of Mahashiratri of 2014. I am anardent Shiva Bhakta and wanted to write something in the praise of the Lord. I consider this one of my finest works. A translation is added for you to enjoy. Meanings of a few tricky words and transliteration will be added soon.

Pic Credit: tarunlak @DeviantArt
Picture Credit: tarunlak @DeviantArt

प्रबाल पाल प्रचंड प्रभुत्व
प्रधान प्रकर्ष प्रकांड हो
प्रखर प्रमुख प्रगत प्रमथ
प्रमृष्ट प्रधान-भाग हो

विभूत भूत और भभूत
चण्ड मुण्ड आभूष हो
भंग भूर धतूर दूध
उपज फूल विभूष हो

है गल चढ़ा भुजंग नाग
मृदुंग नाद मलंग हो
है चोटी चन्द्र और गंग
कंठ नील रंग हो

तृती नयन हो प्रकट
कुपित अगर क्लेष्ठ हो
समस्त जीव जंत में
नटराज तुम श्रेष्ठ हो
महादेव तुम श्रेष्ट हो

हर हर महादेव!



The one who is – Raging, is Up-bringer, Tempestuous, Dominant
Also the First, Excellent, and Colossal – is You
You, who are also Fierce, Grand, and Progressive
Your whole body is covered with divine offerings and herbs

Few prime souls and the Holy Ash
And the Skulls of men are your Ornaments
Brown colored Bhaang, Dhatura, Milk
Fruits and Flowers are your offerings

A deadly snake is tangled around your neck
You are Mesmerized and in Trance by Mridunga percussion
In your locks reside Moon and the Holy Ganga
Your throat is of deep blue color

Your third eye comes out,
If you get angry and annoyed at someone
In all the beings of living in this World
Oh, Natraja you are the Eminent!
Oh, Mahadeva you are the Prime!

Poem – स्त्री Stri

Originally written on: 8th of March, 2014

I wrote this poem on the occasion of International Women’s Day. I started writing poetry again after a long hiatus during that time and 2014 saw me writing some of my best works.

If a transliteration is needed, please comment about it. I will anyways update the same when I get time. I will also add meanings of the few tricky words then.

तू मृत्यु सी दृढ है, और चंचल पावन मन सी
तू नवजात सी सरल है, है संकर नव-यौवन सी

तू तेज वेग है झरने सी, कभी मंथर-मन्द है कुर्म सी
तू धीरशील है बगुले सी, है व्यग्र कभी पतंग सी

तू तप्त कभी है नक्षर सी, तो शीतल सोम आँच सी
तू मिष्ठ अगर है ईंख सी, भी कष्ठ-कटु है साँच सी

तू खिलखिलाती गुड़िया है, या तेल रगड़ती अम्मा सी
तू मिसमिसाती बहना है, या नज़र चुराती प्रेमा सी

तू है स्वयं त्यागी शैलपुत्री, या चंडी चन्द्रहघण्टा सी
तू है विलीन-मुक्त ब्रह्मचारिणी, उल्लसित ख़ुश्मंडा सी

तू उदार है स्कंदमाता सी, व कोपाकुल कालरात्रि सी
है मन-मोहिनी कात्यायनी सी,या ललित महागौरी सी

तू नौ रूपी है या सौ रूपी है, या ब्रह्म निरूप भी तेरे रूप सी
या कण कण है तू सृष्टि का, तू ही ब्रह्माण का स्वरूप भी


You are stubborn like death, and playful like a pure heart
You are simple like childhood, and complex you are like Youth

You possess speed that of a waterfall, and sometimes you are slow like a tortoise
You are patient like a hern – a wading bird, and sometimes anxious like a bee

You are radiant like the heat of Sun, Like the moonlight is you demeanor
You are sweet like the sugar-cane, Or bitter are you like the truth

You are the cheerful doll (daughter, niece), Or like the mother who rubs oil on the head
You are like quarreling sister, Sometimes you are like a shy Lover

You are self-sacrificing ShailPutri, Or the virulent ChandraGhanta
You are the absolved BrahmaCharinni, And the brightening KhushManda

You are the benevolent SkandMata, and the fierce KaalRatri
You are the charming Katyayni, Or the elegant MahaGauri

You have nine forms or a hundred, Or the painting that universe is your form itself
Or you are in every element of this earth, or this world is just a mere part of yours?